Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulfen) J.Agardh


Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulf) J.Ag.


Relatively large plants, reaching a length of 30-35 cm in well developed specimens with inflated shoots up to 15mm broad; few branches may develop from the lower part of the plant; cells in narrow filaments are in rows but in the inflated parts the arrangements is less regular; plants gregarious, to 15 cm tall, simple or occasionally divided at the base into 2-3 similar branches, cylindrical above or becoming intestiniform, commonly to 5mm, rarely to 1cm or more in diameter, gradually tapering downwards, all divisions slender and subsolid at the base; cells in longitudinal rows or especially above, somewhat irregularly disposed, about 10-28 micron wide, 8.5 to 28.o micron long, rectangular to polytedral, the lateral walls in surface view moderate to thick.

Distribution : Gujarat, Malvan, Ratnagiri ,(Maharashtra); Goa, Karwar, Honawar, (Karnataka)

Ecological status : Intertidal zone

IUCN status : LR

Uses : Edible, animal feed